Oakview Community Association
Oakview Community, founded 1950
Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. -- James Baldwin
Stateside Drive
Formerly farmland, the area that became Oakview was first settled along the road that is known as "Stateside," in reference to the WWII veterans who dreamed of going "Stateside" one day.
Your Street
What do you know about your street? How long have you lived there? Is there something special about its name? Do you have any particular concerns about your street? We are all neighbors.
New Hampshire Ave
Formerly an unsightly hill of trash, the swale between Route 650 and New Hampshire Ave was recently (2014) planted with holly and crepe mrytle to beautify and reduce maintenance costs, i.e. slash and burn with chemicals.
Oakview Drive
Our eponymous road, Oakview is named after the Maryland state tree, Quercus alba, A.K.A. White Oak. Beginning at New Hampshire Ave, it ends at the wonderfully walkable Northwest Branch Trail.
Oakview East Side
Believe it or not, Oakview extends on both sides of New Hampshire. This oft-forgotten strip of properties runs right against Prince Georges County, which is literally in their backyard.